Original Post and Images by Mike Smith from Web Design Ledger
Link: http://webdesignledger.com/tips/20-dos-and-donts-of-effective-web-typography
I found this as I was searching online for ideas. I thought this was really useful insight. Also, some of the things pointed out in here were also mentioned in class....
"1.) DO NOT use too many different font faces..."
* I agree with this! Too many fonts used all at once makes a design look tacky.

"2.) DO NOT – I repeat – DO NOT use comic sans or papyrus on anything!..."
* This is 100% true! Comic sans should never be used it also makes a design look tacky.

"3.) DO use a proper hierarchy for your pages..."
* I agree with this also - and this is what our main focus should be when creating our current project- the information poster. Some text should stand out more than other text. There has to be some kind of hierarchy within the design in order to get the reader to focus on the most important points first.