Thursday, August 12, 2010

Packaging progress of the monopoly game...

( ...we pretty much all divided the work and have all been working well together...Liliane has been working on the cards and the box sleeve, Dennis is working on making the box and the money, and I have been working on the game board.)

As of Thursday this is what we have so far....this is the mock up version....

..the overall progress of the monopoly redesigned game board

original monopoly board...

Redesigned version 1..suggested layout,icons, and colors..

Redesigned version 2....adding the text and changing the center of the board....
Font used: Futura

Final copy version 1... New icons ..I came up with new Icons ..and added all the text needed for the board. (click to see a larger image)

Cool money idea I came across...for the monopoly game

...I found this money design very nice and pretty. Too bad this style does not work well with our game design.

Looking back at the second design poster assignment continued...The Different versions before the final copy

The Different versions before the final copy...

Simple layout..

Changing the layout to create a circle...

Adding a circle shape/border around the smaller images...

Incorporating the shape of the O instead of the circle idea...

Creating a similar shape to the O shape used....

New poster design using the new shape...with the same old shape background...

Final Design with the updated shapes on the background...

Looking back at the second design poster assignment...

These were some of my inspirations before I started working on my poster design....

(I really liked the colors that were used in the first two images and the layout)

some more inspiration...

35 Great Examples Of Infographics
Posted on Wednesday May, 20 2009

Some of my research...Infographics Examples and Ideas

For the last two projects I took a lot of time researching ideas and looking at several infographic designs. Here are some pages I had bookmarked....

I really enjoyed the colors used in several of these designs and the creative way to add all the text and information into a single page.

35 Great Social Media Infographics
by Pam Dyer on March 3, 2010

Some of the work I liked from this site...